The Number One Rule for Marketing to Federal Procurement Decision-Makers

By Tina Horn

Federal procurement decision-makers are productive, mission-driven, busy people. They always have new programs to learn; changing compliance procedures to follow; and big goals to achieve. These are the people who decide how the federal government spends its billions of dollars achieving the various government agencies’ missions. They don’t have time for nonsense, so don’t waste their time.

The Number One Rule

The number one rule for marketing to federal procurement decision-makers is this: no fluff. That’s it. Plain, simple, clear, focused, useful. That’s how to market in the federal marketplace. So, what does that look like?

Three Top Mistakes

Here are some examples of what not to do:

  • “We have great customer service” – this is a given in the federal marketplace. Everyone has great customer service or they’re not going to get the contract in the first place. Stating this obvious fact is a waste of time.
  • “We have the best people” – literally no one is going to say that their people are mediocre.
  • Avoid meaningless corporate-speak like “think outside the box.” Decision-makers can spot this a mile away. It makes their eyes roll and they break out their buzzword bingo cards.

Successful contractors demonstrate their respect of federal decision-makers’ time by banishing all fluff from marketing materials and getting them the facts, they want to make solid, low-risk procurement decisions.

If you want to learn what to say and how to say it when marketing your services in the federal marketplace, contact TargetGov and ask about the KickStart Program® and the FAST® Process. Email or call 866-579-1346 x 325.

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