All posts by Admin

Position Your Firm Before the RFP and See Results

Jocelyn Carnes, Business Development, TargetGov Success in the U.S. federal marketplace requires positioning your firm and its differentiators to influence the government’s needs before the Request for Proposal (RFP) is even written. In this interview on Federal Drive with Tom Temlin, Tom talks to Michel Kareis, Acting Director of The Science and Technology Directorate at the... Read More

Is Being A Small and Disadvantaged Business Enough? Eye-opening article about the federal government’s work with small and disadvantaged businesses (SDB). However, the real take-away is that getting your 8(a), WOSB, SDVOSB, etc. status isn’t a guarantee that you’ll get federal work even if you’re actively pursuing it. You still need to market yourself effectively to the federal government, fully understand the... Read More

Did You Know? – Infrastructure Law Edition

Brookings called the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) “not another stimulus effort; it represents a generational shift in how (and what types of) projects get done” in a recent blog post. Did you know that: -The IIJA will make the largest federal investment in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak? -The... Read More

Begin 2017 Off Right!

It’s finally 2017 and we can all take a deep sigh of relief that we made it here. The next question is, now what? Well if you are a federal government contractor this is the time to start, review, and update both your SAM and SBA profiles. Over 95% of companies using these federal websites... Read More